Changes between Version 2 and Version 3 of TracBrowser

03/07/16 10:57:43 (9 years ago)



  • TracBrowser

    v2 v3  
    5353collapse directories in-place by clicking on the arrow head at the right side of a
    5454directory. Alternatively, the [trac:TracKeys keyboard] can also be used for this:
    55  - use `'j'` and `'k'` to select the next or previous entry, starting with the first
    56  - `'o'` (open) to toggle between expanded and collapsed state of the selected
     55 - use `j` and `k` to select the next or previous entry, starting with the first
     56 - `o` ('''o'''pen) to toggle between expanded and collapsed state of the selected
    5757   directory or for visiting the selected file
    58  - `'v'` (view, visit) and `'<Enter>'`, same as above
    59  - `'r'` can be used to force the reload of an already expanded directory
    60  - `'A'` can be used to directly visit a file in annotate (blame) mode
    61  - `'L'` to view the log for the selected entry
    62 If no row has been selected using `'j'` or `'k'` these keys will operate on the entry under the mouse.
     58 - `v` ('''v'''iew, '''v'''isit) and `<Enter>`, same as above
     59 - `r` can be used to force the '''r'''eload of an already expanded directory
     60 - `a` can be used to directly visit a file in '''a'''nnotate (blame) mode
     61 - `l` to view the '''l'''og for the selected entry
     62If no row has been selected using `j` or `k` these keys will operate on the entry under the mouse.
    64 {{{#!comment
    65 MMM: I guess that some keys are upper case and some lower to avoid conflicts with browser defined keys.
    66 I find for example in Firefox and IE on windows that 'a' works as well as 'A' but 'l' does not work for 'L'.
    67  cboos: 'l' is reserved for Vim like behavior, see #7867
    68 }}}
    7065For the Subversion backend, some advanced additional features are available:
    9085{{{#!div style="font-size:85%"
    91 [=#note-multirepos (1)] This means that after upgrading a single-repository Trac of version
     86[=#note-multirepos (1)] This means that after upgrading a single-repository Trac of version
    92870.11 (or below) to a multi-repository Trac (0.12), the repository browser will look and feel
    9388the same, that single repository becoming automatically the "default" repository.